Iris Power EL CID™ Evolution – Low-flux Core Test Instrument
Offline Low Power Testing of Stator Core Inter-Laminar Insulation
The EL CID™ Low Power Core Tester provides offline testing of inter-laminar insulation breakdown within a stator core. The only alternative to the Iris Power EL CID™ Evolution Low-Flux Core Test is the Ring Flux (full flux) test which requires large power supplies, considerable manpower, and expensive infrared viewing cameras.
Hydro Generator
Turbine Generator
- Only one technician is needed to perform the low-flux core test using the EL CID™ Evolution tester
- Safe for core and operator, unlike Ring Flux test which is potentially damaging to the unventilated core
- Iris Power EL CID™ Evolution Low-Flux Core Tester instrument comes with an excitation kit to conduct the test at only 4% of normal operating flux.
- Measurement results are digitally stored in the PC for analysis and automatic report generation.
- Any imperfections in the core inter-laminar insulation produce fault currents which are detected by a Chattock coil and analyzed by the Iris Power ELAN software.
- Future results can be compared to past results for trend analysis.
- Tests are repeatable
- Immediate test results are available for local analysis and email
- Determines if defects are on the surface, sub-surface, or under conductors
- Tests with or without windings
- More sensitive in detecting buried faults
- Partial retests of core are possible with ability to merge results to obtain a complete picture of the core condition
- Trending of previous results
- Excellent quality assurance test
Kit contents
- EL CID™ Evolution Low-Flux Core Test Instrument
- Chattock Sensors (10, 20, 25 and 30 cm)
- Reference Sensor
- Magnetic Manual Trolley
- Step Iron Trolley
- Calibration Unit
- Switched Turbo Excitation System including 30 m of excitation cables
- Volt Meter and Clamp-on Ammeter
- ELAN CD with Software Licence
- Handbook
- Two Wheeled Transit Cases